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February 11, 2025


Chariots of Firefighters
by Michael Heller

The Resplendent Demon
Compiled by Michael Heller

On Fire
by Larry Schwarm

» Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!
by Steve Spak

Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!
The Day the Towers Fell

by Steve Spak

• 80 pages
• ISBN: 1-4134-5381-3
$32.99 + $5.00 S&H (hardcover)

• ISBN: 1-4134-2770-7
$26.99 + $5.00 S&H (softcover)

About the Author
How to Order


"Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!" is a historic and spectacular photographic journey through the ruins of World Trade Center on 9-11-01. These are exclusive photos taken at the World Trade Center disaster, some of which have never been seen before by the public. The author and photographer, Steve Spak, was there, having arrived at the World trade center only 10 minutes after the buildings collapsed. He tasted, felt, heard, breathed and witnessed the destruction of that day. Now, you can, too - through his photos.

This book is destined be a collectors item for the fire service because it is an intimate, personal chronicle of the events of 9/11 that records and preserves those events for history through his eyes.

Like so many of us, Steve knew many of the firefighters personally who perished on that day. Like all of us, he mourns their loss. This is his tribute to those men.

About the Author

Steve Spak has been a freelance photographer for more than 25 years, and a 911 Pictures Contracted Photographer since 1998. His photos have appeared in all the major Newspapers in the New York City area, including the New York Times, Daily News, Newsday, N.Y. Post, Associated Press, and UPI. He has also been published in Firehouse, Fire Engineering and WNYF magazines as well as other publications. Recently, he was honored by Fire Commissioner Thomas Von Essen when he was promoted to the rank of Honorary Deputy Chief of the FDNY. He is also a member of the Fire Bell Club of New York.

Steve is the Author of New York Lifesavers, which was published in 1991. He has won numerous awards for his photos, including honors from the UFA, UFOA, National Press Photographers Association and the International Fire Photographers Association. His Videos have appeared on all the Local television stations in the NYC area.

Steve worked for New York City EMS for eight years as an EMT, a dispatcher, and a communications instructor before becoming a New York City Court Officer in 1983. He was promoted to Senior Court Clerk in 1997, and has recently been promoted to Associate Court Clerk this past January.

How to Order

"Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!" is available on both hard and softcover editions. The softcover edition is only $26.99, and the hardcover edition is $32.99, (discounts are available for orders of multiple copies. Does not include $5.00 for S&H) You may order copies of the book through 911 Pictures -- we accept checks, MasterCard and VISA.

To Order Through 911 Pictures:

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